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Food Percentage of DRI per 100 grams


Spirulina is a blue-green algae that on of the oldest life forms on earth and grows in both fresh and salt water. Few superfoods on the planet can match the nutritional density of spirulina. It contains just about every nutrient known, and because the the algae has a soft cellular wall it is easy for the body to absorb and utilize its nutrition. Spirulina contains vitamins E, K, beta-carotene and B-complex, as well as many minerals such as iron, chromium, magnesium, manganese, selenium, calcium, copper and potassium as well as GLA and ALA fatty acids. You’ll also find that spirulina is a complete protein with the highest concentration of protein (60-70% by weight) found in any food. 1 tablespoon of spirulina contains 4 grams of protein. A protein is "complete" if it contains all nine essential amino acidswhich is very rare when it comes to plants. According to the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC), spirulina is one of the rare vegan sources of vitamin B12. 

Spirulina is not only a super potent multivitamin, but is also well known for its ability to remove and eliminate heavy metals and other toxins from the body. Spirulina uses photosynthesis to transform energy from the sun into nutrition, making it one of the highest concentration of chlorophyll of any food known, up to 12 times more than wheatgrass. Chlorophyll is the vibrant green pigment that is responsible for all life on earth. It is basically like liquid sunshine, helping to detox the liver, purify our blood and remove acidity and toxins. Clorophyll also helps with collagen production, making it great for skin health. The blue pigment in spirulina is called phycocyanine. It is highly anti-inflammatory and helps the body eliminate heavy metals. Phycocyanine also supports the production of stem cells by stimulating the hormones that are responsible for making red blood cells. Due to its mineral density and ability to remove acidity, spirulina is also a highly alkalizing food.

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Acai, almonds, apples, asparagus, avocado, banana, basil, beansprouts, blueberries, broccoli, buckwheat, cacao, cacao butter, cabbage, carrots, cashews, cauliflower, celery, cherries, chia seeds, chili, Chinese cabbage, chives, cilantro, cinnamon, coconut cream, coconut flakes, coconut meat, coconut milk, coconut nectar, coconut oil, coconut yogurt, corn, cucumber, daikon, dates, dill, dragon fruit, durian, fennel, flax seeds, garlic, ginger, goji berries, grapeseed oil, green beans, hemp seeds, honey, jicama, kale, kimchi, lemon, lettuce, lime, macadamias, mango, mangosteen, mint, nut cheeze, nut cream, nut m!lk, oats, olive oil,onion, orange, papaya, parsley, passion fruit, peach, pear, peas, pineapple, pistachios,plant !ce cream, pumpkin seeds, quinoa,raspberries,rice, rosemary, sage, sauerkraut, sesame seeds, shredded coconut,soursop, spinach, strawberries, sunflower oil, sunflower seeds, tarragon, thyme, vanilla,vinegar, walnuts, watermelon, young coconut, zucchini.


Spirulina is either wild harvested or cultivated worldwide, in particular in the U.S, Hawaii, Central and South America as well as Africa and Southeast Asia. Hawaiian spirulina is considered the best quality and cleanest source since the waters of Hawaii are classified as “class AA”, the cleanest coastal waters in the United States.

Nutrex Hawaii and Vimergy Spirulina are some recommended brand which do not use any pesticides or chemical or animal waste fertilizers. It is important to choose a high quality source, as algae can otherwise be contaminated by heavy metals or chemicals. 

You can find spirulina in the form of tablets, capsules, powders, flakes and fresh paste. The important thing isto source raw living spirulina. Raw spirulina is dehydrated or sun-dried using low temperatures to preserve the valuable nutrients. To transform the algae into powder or tablets some companies use spray-drying machines with high heat. This drastically reduces the vitamins, minerals and valuable life force of the superfood. Studies have shown that the nutritional bioavailability of heat-dried spirulina is a meagre 2% compared to raw spirulina with a bioavailability of 95%. Another thing to watch out for is brands that dilute their spirulina with bulking agents. Check the ingredient list - it should be 100% pure spirulina – that’s it – no additives, fillers or preservatives. 


The grassy, fishy taste and smell can be off putting and take some time to get used to, but it is quite easy to disguise the flavor. It can be blended into smoothies, juices, coconut water, or sprinkled on breakfast bowls, porridge, fruits or salads. Adding it to chocolate is a great way to mask the flavor of spirulina. Citrus fruit and ginger are also great mixed with the flavor of spirulina. Combining spirulina with vitamin C rich foods will also enhance the bioavailability of the superfood. 

If you like the flavor, try adding spirulina to guacamole dressings or pestos. Spirulina can also be used as a natural food coloring - added to tortillas or bread to make beautiful green baked goods as well as ice cream, cheezecakes or energy balls and granola. You can also try adding spirulina to sauces, soups and broths. In Chad, the Kanembu women have been harvesting and sun-drying spirulina from Lake Chad for generations, making a traditional nutritious sauce or soup called dihé, mixed with vegetables, beans, meat and fish and eaten with millet, cassava or rice. This soup has been the secret of the good health of the Kanembu population, explaining why they live longer and healthier lives than any other people on the continent. Spirulina is a valuable nutritional treasure in the dry desert land that offers very little other means of nourishing the population. 

The best best way to consume spirulina however, is to eat it raw. If you like to add spirulina to soups, stews, casseroles, sauces and stir-fries, add it aftercooking to keep maximize nutrition retention. Taking 1 heaping teaspoon of spirulina once or twice a day is enough to get the rewarding benefits of this superfood. If you have a strong aversion to the taste you can try tablets or capsules. 


Spirulina should be stored in an air-tight container in a cool, dark and dry pantry. For increased shelf life, vacuum seal and store in the refrigerator. You can also keep it in the freezer to extend the shelf life even more. Cold temperatures has no negative effect on the nutritional value of spirulina. 


Wheatgrass, chlorella, barley grass, or dulse can be used in place of spirulina. Moringa is another great superfood option that also is a complete protein. 


Studies have shown that spirulina has an anti-inflammatory effect and can support the immune system to prevent allergies, infections, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high cholesterol and cancer. It has also been studied for its positive effect when it comes to treating viral diseases such as HIV and AIDS.

Spirulina is also beneficial for the nervous system and helpful when it comes to boosting energy levels, mental clarity and stamina.Because spirulina is a complete protein it can be used as a dietary supplement for sports nutrition and recovery after a workout. The protein in Spirulina has an impressively high protein efficiency ratio, 4 times more bioavailable than protein in meat. 

The mineral density of spirulina helps the liver replenish storage banks of nutrients. It is also great for bone and dental health as it helps your body assimilate calcium intake. 

When it comes to weight, a 2016 study showed that a regular intake of spirulina can reduce BMI (Body Mass Index) and lower blood pressure in people with hypertension. 

Spirulina is also great for digestion. It stimulates the growth of good bacteria such as bifidobacteria and lactobacillus in the digestive tract which supports the entire digestive system. 

Just like many other seaweeds, spirulina is known for its ability to bind onto toxins, heavy metals and poisons, and eliminate them from the brain and body.


Spirulina and other blue-green algae harvested in the wild may pose a risk of contamination if the environment is polluted with bacteria, radioactivity or heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium, lead and arsenic. If blue-green algae is cultivated, on the other hand, it may be contaminated with harmful bacteria if grown using animal waste fertilizers. Selecting a trusted, clean brand is the way to go with spirulina. 

A clean source of spirulina is considered a safe supplement, without any negative side effects. However, some people may be allergic in which case spirulina can be harmful. Studies have found that people with other allergies are more likely to have a negative response to spirulina. Another issue is spirulina may impact the effectiveness of certain medications such as blood thinners. Therefore, to be safe, those who are on medication or have a tendency of allergic reactions should consult with a doctor and possibly conduct a biochemical test before using spirulina. 


Spirulina has a long history, not surprising considering that it is one of the oldest life forms known on the planet. The Kanembo population in Chad are known to have been using it as a culinary ingredient as early as the 9thcentury. In the 16thcentury when the Spanish invaded Central America they found that the Aztec and other Mesoamerican civilizations were using spirulina from Lake Texcoco as a food source. 

The blue-green algae gained popularity when NASA used it as a dietary supplement for astronauts on on space missions. In the 1970’s, a French company started producing Spirulina as a dietary supplement powder which is how it is most commonly used nowadays. The largest producers of spirulina can be found today in China, India, Taiwan and the United States.


·            Ensminger AH, Esminger M. K. J. e. al. Food for Health: A Nutrition Encyclopedia. Clovis, California: Pegus Press; 1986. 1986. PMID:15210.

·            Fortin, Francois, Editorial Director. The Visual Foods Encyclopedia. Macmillan, New York. 1996.

·            Harvard Health Publishing: "By the Way, Doctor: Is Spirulina Good for You?"

·            U.S. National Library of Medicine: "Blue-Green Algae"